Celestine Prophecy 9 Insights


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look not from the thoughts, but from the soul. For the existence this is coming is already before us ready to open up the arena. simply appearance more closely. locate the eyes to look.

First insight

we are discovering once more that we live in a deeply mysterious global, full of unexpected coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined ….

second insight

As more of us awaken to the thriller, we will create a completely new worldview – redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.

third insight

we will discover that the whole lot around us, all depend consists of and stems from a divine power that we are starting to see and recognize.

Fourth insight

From this attitude, we can see that people have continually felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred supply, and feature tried to take energy via dominating every different. This war is chargeable for all human battle.

fifth insight

The best answer is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine a magical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our belief of splendor, and lifts us right into a higher self-awareness

sixth insight

in this focus, we can launch our very own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific reality, a assignment, we are right here to share that helps evolve humanity closer to this new degree of reality.

seventh insight

In pursuit of this mission, we can find out an inner instinct that indicates us in which to move and what to do, and if we make best positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doorways for our undertaking to spread.

eighth insight

while enough of us input this evolutionary float, constantly giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever better ranges of power and perception.

ninth insight

on this way, we take part in the long adventure of evolution from the huge Bang to life’s last intention: to energise our our bodies, technology through generation, until we stroll into a heaven we will finally see.
