If You Are A LightWarrior | That’s For You


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There is so much that I have been processing lately, that in a way I did not know where to start or hoy to put it all in words.

I have to admit, that my life was not that obscure always, because I had quite a privileged childhood.

Setting aside the demons, trolls, obscure beings, shadows and evil creatures that have always haunted me and tried to put out my light, I was happy.

I actually had given up trying to fit everything together, or believing I was right and everyone around me where wrong. I lost my faith for a while in magic, in love and in the idea of a better way of living.

It has been my life dream to be able to build schools where children can be taught to nurture the Masters inside them, where with the aid of the stars, numbers and angels we can easily help people to be the better and higher manifestation of their beings.

I knew it immediately! When I heard the streams that this was it!! My longings, my experiences, my learnings,

and my life was there laid out all at the same time and without a doubt I began trying to reach out to book my surgery and my kids surgeries, and boy was it difficult .

But I finally managed to get the actual surgeries I had prayed Archangel Raphael to come and do, and know I know it is Mom the only one who can eliminate non organic interference.

I had the answers all along, but they were deciphered in a way that things made sense in bits and pieces, and the horror story that my grownup life took actually all of our energy and concentration just to manage to stay alive and trying to protect my boys integrity as much as possible.

Literally me and my boys where saved from death 3 or 4 times, where by miracles and me not understanding how we survived, magic solutions suddenly arouse. Now I know who did it.

I am a warrior of light, and I am ready to shine brighter than before, to make even more uncomfortable people around me. Most of them already believe I am crazy, so, I have nothing to lose and everything to win.

I hope my kids are able to reheart themselves and go back to be the light beings they were when little. I´ve always tried to create tools for people to recover their power, to protect themselves from darkness,

and now I understand it was my need to co-create out of love and the unknow that served as fuel and the impulse of wanting this to be a better place.

It has been a tough and complicated path the one that I have had to endure, but I am truly grateful and down to my knees knowing that I finally got home.

That this time is for real and we are going to make it. I just hope it the many the ones that can finally wake up and smell the roses.

I love you deeply and truly from the bottom of my heart through time and distance, here today and now, for ever and ever.

thank you Angels. I recovered my faith and I´m in the process of rehearting and clearing all the darkness that surrounded our existence for so long, but I feel it deep inside of me that we will going to make it
